Babylon Academy fully recognises its responsibilities for child protection.

Our policy applies to all staff, governors and volunteers working in the school. There are five main elements to our policy:


We recognise that because of the day to day contact with children, school staff are well placed to observe the outward signs of abuse. The school will therefore:


We will follow the procedures set out by the Area Child Protection Committee or Local Safeguarding Children Board and take account of guidance issued by the Department for Education and Skills to:


We recognise that children who are abused or witness violence may find it difficult to develop a sense of self worth. They may feel helplessness, humiliation and some sense of blame. The school may be the only stable, secure and predictable element in the lives of children at risk.  When at school their behaviour may be challenging and defiant or they may be withdrawn. The school will endeavour to support the pupil through:

Ensuring that, where a pupil on the child protection register leaves, their information is transferred to the new school immediately and that the child's social worker is informed.